Cervos’ proprietary double-spin platelet-rich plasma system offers industry-leading platelet concentration, control, and customization. Available in 40cc and 80cc configurations.
Dose Matters
Peer-reviewed research demonstrates that high-dose PRP is superior to hyaluronic acid and saline, while low-dose PRP is only equivalent to saline.
Superior Biologic
Delivers an industry-leading 30x plus increase over baseline with the option to capture additional monocytes and progenitor cells at no extra cost.
Developed With Doctors for Doctors
Top physicians participated in design specifications, workflow protocols, dose requirements, and clinical validation.

Our commitment is to improve the economics of your practice with a cost-effective treatment leveraging proven positive outcomes for enhanced patient satisfaction.
Each process disposable accommodates up to 40cc for custom protocols. The mechanically assisted decant feature enables precise formulations of leukocyte rich or poor PRP. The final volume of PRP can be as little as 1.5 mL.

Syringe technology and a proprietary concave platelet collection surface make adoption intuitive for staff, ensuring maximum platelet concentrations from the first draw.

Closed system based on validated dual-spin AABB protocols, eliminating the risk of biological contamination and reducing patient safety hazards.
Dose Matters
KeyPRP has a documented ability to hit the 10 billion platelet threshold, achieving clinically significant platelet dosages.
Leading Concentration
Maximize chemotactic effect by ensuring highly concentrated platelet dosages with volume reduction to as low as 1.5 cc.
Innovative & Precise
Proprietary collection surface ensures maximum platelet capture, while the screw-based decantation method provides complete control over hematocrit levels.
Safe & Reliable
Closed system based on validated dual-spin AABB protocols, mitigating the risk of biological contamination and reducing patient safety hazards
Results from fda benchmark testing
Platelet Recovery
*Results vary depending on how the product is used
*less than 5%
*less than 2%

Platelet recovery



Customization and Control
KeyPRP offers full control over biologic compositions and final PRP volumes.
Preparation Videos
Clinical Evidence
“In the first 2 months, patients who received the PRP were showing significant improvements in pain and function, whereas the control group was not…Intradiscal LR-PRP effectively decreased the fusion rate by roughly 80% in this group of patients.”
Lutz February 2023 Intradiscal Leukocyte Rich PRP for Degenerative Disc Disease 
“The Cervos KeyPRP system consistently produces higher platelet yield with a minimal hematocrit and a favorable Agranulocyte/Granulocyte Ratio. The system is secure, it is closed to [the] external environment, and can afford the clinician the ability to customize the various blood fractions as specifically desired.”
Kyriakides July 2022 Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) / Platelet Concentrate (PC) Systems: Preparation Processing Protocols 
Schedule a KeyPRP Demo
Discover the clinical advantages of high-dose platelet-rich plasma.